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Women In Power Girls of Legacy | Event Highlights | 2022

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

The CEO of AvantGarde hosted the first inaugural event in the AvantGarde Texas Office in Round Rock (Austin, TX area) for Women’s History Month. The focus of the event was centered around celebrating the tremendous accomplishments of women but also highlighted seven "Girls of Legacy." The "Girls of Legacy" were featured and provided scholarships for their first year of college and or alternative post high school education for the Fall 2022 Semester.

The "Girls of Legacy" are comprised of five girls from Title 1 school, Crocket High in Austin and two girls from Success High in Round Rock, a school established to address the unique needs of at-risk youth. This is part of a larger effort to provide partial scholarships to a total of twelve students (7 girls and 5 boys) through Rebecca and her husband David's non-profit organization called "LaunchPad". AvantGarde has been a sponsor of LaunchPad for many years and this year along with the AG sponsored funding the Contreras family committed a personal match to increase the ability to sponsor all twelve students.

The Event Host Committee was made of up a handful of dynamic entrepreneurs; Jan Goss, Cherie Mathews and Cathy Hernandez. We also had a special guest appearance by Mrs. Texas American, Katie Dowell who was present to support Rebecca and our host committee member Cathy Hernandez in presenting the scholarships.

Rebecca and the host committee want to thank the sponsors that made this event possible, we would also like to thank all who volunteered and attended to make this evening a huge success!

(Event Hosted by)

Gene Automotive

Concho Hearts Hospice

Novita Spa Clinical Products

Total Graphics of Dayton

Celtic Viking Studios

LeBaron Productions

The Kristen Gibbs Band

Rebecca has issued a challenge for a match program that will go through Summer 2022 for every dollar raised, she will match the donation. LaunchPad is a 100% volunteer run organization, we want our donors to know that 100% of your gift goes to the students for this fundraising campaign!

To support this initiative and give

Well wishes to our Girls of Legacy and the other students taking part on this initiative!

To learn how to be a part of this initiative or be a sponsor at next years event March 2023, contact us at 

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