Recently I spoke with Texas CEO Magazine about my journey serving under POTUS George W Bush as well as the tremendous privilege I have had starting my entrepreneurial journey and now leading the thriving practice we call AG. Take a peek at the June publication – and if you enjoy the piece, share it out! Only in America can the dream be realized to its full potential! I am truly blessed.

From Lost Girl to Texas Success Story: A Conversation with Rebecca Contreras
Human capital expert Rebecca Contreras has worked one-on-one with some of the most legendary leaders in Texas history, including Ann Richards, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and George W. Bush. She even accompanied Bush to the White House, serving as the administration’s Special Assistant for Personnel. There, among other duties, she managed the executive recruiting process for over 1,200 board and commission positions in the federal government.
A teenage Rebecca Contreras would never have believed that this could be her reality. Born to a single mother in the projects of El Paso, Contreras suffered trauma and abandonment in early childhood. In her teen years, she began to follow the same cycles that had persisted in her family: drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and running with a very dangerous crowd.
Then, after the birth of her daughter, everything changed.
