Lost Girl Introduction
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

Pauper to princess…pit to palace…fairytales we tell our children at bedtime to lull them to sleep and help them escape into a world where they can dream big.
But for me as a child there were no fairytales, only nightmares of a lost girl who desperately searched for her way in the dark only to find monsters of every shape and kind.
This isn’t a book of fiction. It’s my story. Growing up I didn’t know how to dream, let alone make those dreams a reality. All I knew was survival and a deep desire to break the cycle of poverty, pain, addiction, bad behavior, and poor choices. All I needed was a stable job to get my baby daughter and me off welfare.
A Glimpse Inside the Journey
LOST GIRL: From the Hood to the White House to Millionaire Entrepreneur exposes the raw truth about my life—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and how I went from rags to riches, pit to palace, and pauper to princess (at least feeling like one at times).
So join me in my journey from lost girl to powerhouse success. We’ll start at the beginning with the intimate and painful experiences of my past, including unthinkable issues such as child abandonment and sexual abuse. But we won’t stay there. I’ll also tell you about the unconditional love of a grandmother, my hero, who somehow made everything right. You’ll hear the story of my mother’s transformation from drug addict to champion, and how she stood by my side when the tables turned and I needed her most. I’ll divulge my party lifestyle and the violent rape and attempted murder on my life after a drug dealer and monster nearly ten years my senior manipulated me into a toxic relationship when I was sixteen and how I got away and eventually erased him from my life.
And we’re just getting started.
Strap yourself in because the ride gets wilder. I’ll share how I broke away from a physically, emotionally, and spiritually abusive home and started working in a government welfare-to-work program with only a GED. That GED took me from the hood to the Office of the Texas Governor, and eventually all the way to the White House. I’ll take you behind the scenes, telling you what it’s like to work for the most powerful man in Texas, and then later, for the most powerful man on this planet—the president of the United States—as a special advisor. I’ll reveal how I founded a company with no prior business experience and how I turned that business into a multi-million-dollar enterprise.
I had no manual to refer to, no script to memorize and repeat, and no step-by-step program to follow. Instead, I’ll describe the unexpected, unsolicited, and powerful transformative moments that took me off a familiar path of dysfunction and destruction and onto a new path of focus, grit, faith, and success in life. I’ll show you how I teamed with mentors and others who believed in me and how they helped me break one glass ceiling after the other with each achievement. No one—and I mean no one—makes it flying solo.
Of course, no good fairytale would be complete without a knight in shining armor. He’s in this story too, so enjoy the unfolding of one of the most challenging but greatest love stories of a Texas power couple (so we’re told).
And then…
Get Ready to Dream
My life is proof that bad stuff happens, sometimes really bad stuff outside your control, but dreams do come true, sometimes when you least expect them. Regardless of your past, your mistakes, the road blocks in your way, your present circumstances, and how lost you feel, it’s never too late. The future and the path you choose are what matters the most.
So, turn the page and brace yourself for this bumpy and winding journey from hopelessness to belief, from anger and hatred to the purest love and forgiveness. It’s a journey you’ll want to take, because even before we get to the end, you’ll realize that anything, and I mean anything, is possible, and dreams do in fact come true.
Success is always born out of adversity if people are willing to step outside of their comfort zone and “kill it” in life! It’s just waiting for you to come out of the dark so you can find your purpose.
Dream big, work hard, and believe. Then hold on tight and get ready to soar!